Is Poetry Like A Game Of Chess Poem by Shaun Cronick

Is Poetry Like A Game Of Chess

Rating: 5.0

Is poetry like a game of chess,
Trying to think 12 moves ahead.
I can't type out the words quick enough,
With the images that fill my head.

The words are like the chess moves,
Trying to dovetail them all in place.
And when my thinking duel has ended,
Another new poem to show its face.

Friday, February 28, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: chess,poem,poetry
Karen Megson Adams 13 April 2020

spot on. I can be getting on with something or at work and have to stop what im doing and write something before I forget. also when im writing I do jump ahead so I get this x

7 0 Reply
Shaun Cronick 18 April 2020

Thanks for your kind comment Karen.I'm glad you enjoyed reading it. And you get the meaning and logic behind it. Thanks again and stay well and healthy and all the loved ones around you.

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Soran M. H 28 February 2020

well done you have used Very good metaphor in this poem and addressing very important issue..I call that strategy 'the economy of using words'..but you are right some times the poetry moves to different directions and works such as a chess game...thanks for sharing this unique inspiration...10 as usual.

16 0 Reply
Shaun Cronick 29 February 2020

Thank you Soran for your kind and most interesting comment. I like your phrase 'the economy of using words'. How right you are. It's choosing the right word/words in a poems structure its beat, flow, meter. Sometimes its easy most times not so easy. Thanks again Soran and keep writing my friend.Keep writing. For your poems and writing are more than magical. Take care.

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