Isolation Poem by Barry Middleton


Rating: 2.5

listening to the Universe
there isn't much for me to say
there are no answers from above
the stars are mute in disarray

the many seasons of the truth
have left me with an emptiness
forever lost I claw my way
through dark and arid wilderness

the tune I hear you cannot know
it seems to play for only me
upon a mournful violin
the melody of time's debris

I feel the pain of humankind
that vacant interstellar space
that keeps us oh so far apart
the sin that we cannot erase

it wrapped itself within the soul
and bound in orbits of our fears
when Universe abandoned us
and left us with forsaken tears

Thursday, September 21, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: isolation
Practicing Poetess 24 September 2017

This poem perfectly captures and expresses the universality of the human condition, particularly when enduring suffering or troublesome times. It matters not what one believes; the feelings are all the same. Even those who believe in a personal God have experienced the dark night of the soul, and times when they prayed but the Heavens seemed as brass (both of these are well-known quotes.) The good thing about such times, is TTSP- - This too shall pass. In the words of yet another famous quote, The darkest hour is just before dawn. Thank you, Barry, for giving voice to what all of us feel at some point in our lives. And your lovely picture looks like something taken from the Hubble Telescope!

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Barry Middleton 25 September 2017

Thanks. The image is a stellar nursery taken by Hubble or some other very powerful telescope.

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Nosheen Irfan 21 September 2017

In the vast universe, man often feels insignificant n lonely. You have put it beautifully in words. Sometimes universe seems indifferent to our inner calls, sometimes it answers. Either way, a sense of isolation can beset the heart that broods n reflects.

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Barry Middleton 21 September 2017

That's it exactly. Thanks Nosheen.

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Ravinder Soni 21 September 2017

'the melody of time's debris' - much pleased to read this poem, Barry, Great work.

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