It Is A Gamble Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

It Is A Gamble

Doing well.
No longer on 'that' mission,
To discover truth in insanity.
Or depth reflecting in clear eyes.

An amusement ride is more reliable,
And consistent these days...
At least dependable from Spring to Fall.
Isn't that reality?
Seeking that which never changes?
Or adapts to the idea of 'thought'?
Why adopt to the notion of progess?
Many don't!
And it shows each time concepts
Of standards, traditions and values are exposed.
Accidentally brought to light...
As if these beliefs are taught instead of vaulted.
Scarce treasures,
Never to be touched or used again.
Encased in curios and dusted!
Inspected for fingerprints!
Like grandma's best bone china...
No one ever touches but observes!
Why bust a gut or shatter a nerve finding reason?
Folks have found ways to enjoy yesterdays,
With a purpose that instills a desire for conflict.
Even if no threats are raised,
There is no resisting it.

If that keeps them in a mindset,
To make these 'museum visits'...
With demands that their forefathers fought
For their right to be crazed...
What can one say,
That will make sense to anyone?
Seeing is believing
As to what already has been done!

This way of life has been ordained and chosen.
And it is difficult requesting fresh exhibits...
When the old ones have long shown their uselessness.
Although capturing a kind of worship as if routine!
And leaving these scenes is a gamble,
Since chosing noncomformity could imply treason.
And those actions are always stifled and rebuked.
To smuggle common sense away today...
May be cause for retribution!
A thought expressed daring a challenge is suspect.

'We better keep an eye on them, Harry!
The medication apparently is not working! '

It is a gamble!
To want to do well...
And no longer on 'that' mission to discover truth.
Especially when it is obvious,
This task is done by so few!
And abuses the ears of those unfamiliar,
With speech that solicits conversation...
And an honest response,
That is not and will not be approved.
Even though some find this restlessness soothing.

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