It's All Too Much! (Future Shock Syndrome) Poem by DM W

It's All Too Much! (Future Shock Syndrome)

Rating: 5.0

So much data:
Information overload!
And pop up ads of
Pointless nonsense. Where
The hell are we headed to?
Does anyone have
A detailed plan or purpose?
We scurry around
Radiant, virtual worlds,
Like jaded gerbils
On a never ending wheel.
Surely, this can't be
Happening! Our consciousness
Is perhaps reduced...
Indeed, corroded, rather
Than expanded, on a
Daily basis. Heaven help
Us all! Seemingly,
All this debris constantly
Floats round cyberspace.
It waits for us to pick it up,
We're like scavengers
At garbage dumps. That's the truth.

It's All Too Much! (Future Shock Syndrome)
Saturday, November 14, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: information,modern,nonsense
Shaun Cronick 14 November 2020

Too true Dominic here there and everywhere and everywhere else! . And every time I go on here or ebay, youtube its literally running the gauntlet, the pesky ad gauntlet. Every evening it frustrates me and I'm going through a wide screen monitor and German stick grenade every evening, but my neighbours understand the explosive and expletive noise and sympathise with my ad plight. Five ad free stars and take care my friend.

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Bernard F. Asuncion 14 November 2020

A well penned poem..... Truly magnificent......5 stars*****

2 0 Reply
Dominic M. Windram 16 November 2020

Thanks guys. Your comments are always most welcome.

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