It Started To Snow In Tracing Paper Kingdoms Poem by Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Little Rock, Arkansas United States of America

It Started To Snow In Tracing Paper Kingdoms

Rating: 5.0

it started to snow in
tracing paper kingdoms
how will they trace us later

we did not think to ask
taking with us the honeycomb on the table;
only our summer dresses.

and the looking glass.

how would we have known then
nothing lasts,
that time is only a cloud.

then the moon fled.
construction paper heart, deconstructed.

the valentine arrows descended,
wounding the king.
the ribbons were rescinded

we bought for our pale hair,
the may pole melting into dusk.

are we rust are we antiquated
that we can no longer compare
apples to oranges, grapes to pears

connecting the dots.

in some labyrinthine scheme
pouring the Sea into a jar,
that futile.

are we rust then
are we feudal
and these our hearts

like paper flowers crumpled
after the Fair?

and nothing silver chimed anymore
in the dark that was
sequined velvet once;

though you mended the tears.

and I asked, o,
are you anywhere;

were we really that fragile
and tissue thin
that everytime we try to begin

our ship's a jeweled flare...

mary angela douglas 7 october 2017

Saturday, October 7, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: ghosts,fairy tale,valentine
Kumarmani Mahakul 07 October 2017

Nothing silver chimed anymore in the dark. An amazing perceptional poem on adventure is shared here...10

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Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Little Rock, Arkansas United States of America
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