Ivory Towers Poem by David Harris

Ivory Towers

Rating: 4.8

In ivory towers they sit
Oblivious to the world outside
The decisions makers huddle
Anyone who questions them
Receives double talk and gibberish in return
Always ending that, we are right you know

Continuous Governments
Feed the masses with pork pies
Those silly stump holes
Don’t seem to realise
The majority of the masses
See through their thin disguise

If they were to see
What the masses see
Maybe their decisions might change
Making it easier to live
And give a better life
To the likes of you and I

Andrew mark Wilkinson 25 April 2007

Some times David... They are so focused on what they see has the bigger picture, they forget the things that matter in life... Another poem with meaning my friend...10

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Linda Ori 21 April 2007

I understand what you say here, David. Makes me remember - on a much smaller scale - when my boys were playing baseball, I thought - why can't the coaches see what we see out here in the outfield? Are they blind, or stupid? Good call, David. Linda :)

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Yes... is all I will say. Liking your style here D. t x

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JoAnn McGrath 21 April 2007

Amen David.........................................keep writing and I'll keep reading and take heed........... : O)

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Nice work here, David....Tight, crisp, free-fluxing structure....Creative storyline, indeed....But they will never be able to see themselves, as when the day is done & they all come down from the Hill of Capital Special Interests...they keep their masks on, out of fear of becoming pure, and losing their their seat on the Hill. FjR

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David Harris

David Harris

Bradfield, England
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