Jesus Came To Dinner Poem by Donald R Wolff JR

Jesus Came To Dinner

There comes a time for praying for the needing things in life
Most of us ask for something from the God of living light
Now, to tell the truth the wants, are so needless in our life
So, I asked the dear Lord Jesus to break some bread with me tonight

Jesus came to dinner, much to my surprise
I offer him some water, and he turned it into wine
I'm not much for drinking, 'But' that water sure was fine
The dear Lord sure has blessed me, by being here tonight

In heaven there is no water, it's all been turned to wine
Jesus likes to talk a lot, about the good old times
He is nothing like the Bible told, Just a good old guy
He answered all my questions and opened up my eyes

Now, you might think that I'm crazy, or telling you a lie
But, the Lord told me about all things- He even told me why
Jesus is the best of us, a friend to have in life
By no means would I have expected him to share with me this night

After we had our dinner, I heard a familiar sound
Jesus had a smile that made me look around
At first I thought the dog needed to go out
Then Jesus started laughing as the room began to smell

Laughter came from Heaven, we both laughed till we cried
Who would think that Jesus, was just like other guys
I tell you friends I was having- The best time of my life
Perhaps the Gods in heaven are just as funny, as they are wise

Jesus shook my hand, and pulled me real close
He thanked me for the dinner- Then left just like a Ghost
One thing I will remember, and keep well in my mind
Never serve our dear Lord, 'Chicken' with his wine


Jesus Came To Dinner
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