Just A Couple Of Limericks Poem by Herbert Nehrlich

Just A Couple Of Limericks

Annabelle, a cantankerous prude
was convinced that all fellows are rude.
When one Saturday night,
while as high as a kite
she was tucked into bed and then screwed.

There was a young lady named Claire,
she made braids from her pubic hair.
Quite an ignorant lass
she would keep her small ass
on the bed, but her legs in the hair.

A schoolteacher consumed by sarcasm
was in bed when she felt a strange spasm,
all alone in her bed
she was shocked and she said:
Now is THIS what they call an orgasm?

Master Ben was the boy in the middle,
he played harpsichord, trumpet and fiddle.
But his bladder was weak
and his future looked bleak.
He would play but incessantly piddle.

A flea and a tick and a fly,
were enjoying a piece of plum pie,
said the flea to the tick
'see this fly, he's a prick, '
and that's why the flea had to die.

A professor named Gulliver Babbit
had been playing around with a rabbit.
He was trying to show
that a rabbit will grow
not from rabbity genes but from habit.

When the grandson of actor Jane Fonda
found a snake in her little green Honda,
she said: 'This shows, indeed
that she ain't up to speed
with a passenger Anaconda.'

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