Just A Kiss? Poem by Lodigiana Poetess

Just A Kiss?

Just a kiss, just a kiss, and all will be well
the hurt will be gone, I know, I can tell.
Just a kiss has the magic for soothing the pain
that rough words have caused again and again

Just a smile, just a smile, even though it's pretend
has the power to make all the suffering end.
Just a smile from those lips that formed words once so vile,
forgotten completely within that fake smile

Just a word, just a word, spoken soft in my ear
will make me feel safe, allay all my fear.
Just a word, maybe two, will help me forget
how I've lived in such fear since the day that we met

Just a kiss, just a smile, just a word's all I need
to heal up a heart you've made constantly bleed,
but perhaps ‘just' these things are too easy to say
what I really should do is to ‘just' walk away....

Just A Kiss?
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: abuse,courage,cruelty,fear,pain,pretence,sadness,strength
Love and fear cannot live well togetherwithin a caring relationship..Love should be kind..always.
Kostas Lagos 05 October 2019

Fantastic poem! I caught myself singing while I was reading it!

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Lodigiana Poetess 05 October 2019

Thanks so much Kostas and I would love to hear the words put to music! So pleased that you liked it Thank you! Lodigiana x

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Anil Kumar Panda 05 October 2019

A very nice poem beautifully crafted to tell your story. Nice word can change the heart in a second. Love should build upon trust and a feeling of care for each other should be there. Nice poem. Thanks for sharing. 'Just a kiss, just a smile, just a word's all I need to heal up a heart you've made constantly bleed, but perhaps ‘just' these things are too easy to say whatI really should do is to ‘just' walk away....'... is very nice stanza.10++

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Lodigiana Poetess 05 October 2019

Thank you so much, so often people in an abusive relationship pretend to themselves that a smile, kiss or a word means that the abuser has changed or will change but that rarely is the case and sometimes walking away from that situation is the only thing to do. I appreciate your comments Thanks again. Lodigiana x

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