Just Go Away In Short Jerky Movements, Sage Advisors, Fittingly Using Your Favourite Hand! Poem by Professor Dr. Stanley Collymore

Just Go Away In Short Jerky Movements, Sage Advisors, Fittingly Using Your Favourite Hand!

By Stanley Collymore

Sage scientist says - three
words, which guarantee
I won't read the article.
Why not? Well, these clearly
cynically, attention seeking
morons have zero interest
in this Covid-19 virus, or
the general population.
Their principal focus -
and a financial one -
completely honed
on owned shares
fittingly in these
companies that
so expectantly
are basically
now amassing
large gains
from SAGE's

Of course the 3rd wave
has to happen. Fake
stats yet again, no
doubt to get the vaccine
forcefully promoted to
high heaven. So push
the gullible sheeple
to critical breaking
point, so that even
hardened inured
sceptics - but so
not anyone of
privileged or
elitist status
mind - very
from such
of them finally give up,
cave in, and settle for
these precipitously
rushed - but trust
us, no injurious
or, long-term
symptoms -
from our

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
7 December 2020.

Author's Remarks:
I'm not against medical science or scientific research per se. There are and have been for some considerable time, and ongoingly so, several family members of mine involved in these significantly important areas. I have likewise been involved myself. But I'm dead against hubris of the kind that emanated from the dimwitted pillock Gavin Williamson, who rather appropriately in highly educationally challenged Brexit Britain is the UK's Minister of Education, over the implementation of this upcoming vaccine and callous, mendacious exploitation in all its evil forms.

I'm old enough to personally know about the Thalidomide Project of the 1960s, and was even working part of the time in the British NHS; and although not cognizant of the Tuskegee Syphilis Project from its very inception in 1932 because I wasn't born then, I did learn and research about it since it actually carried on non stop until 1972.

I will therefore leave you to objectively research it for yourself and see the damnably, racially and reprehensible way in which African American Blacks were systematically experimented on, ruthlessly against a background ground of lies, non informed consent and a state of affairs in which they were wholly unaware of what was being done to them under the lying and dishonest mantra of medical health care. Consequently, many thousands of them died gruesomely and unnecessarily while others were otherwise medically and mentally incapacitated for years.

Apartheid South Africa on the other hand and a coterie of equally unprincipled and racist SAGE types from across the entire white West assiduously worked on a Covid-19 type virus intended to wipe out the obviously indigenous Black population of South Africa and turn that country into a facsimile of equally racist Australia where the indigenous Aborigines were systematically subjected to routine genocide, and in many instances still are in the 21st Century. Those of us who knew of what was going on from our Anti-apartheid contacts in South Africa were vitriolically reviled, whenever we spoke, out by the usual rightwing, delusional white master race MPs and their likeminded white privileged chums who owned the so-called MSM, as conspiracy theorists. Such people still infest Britain and most sickeningly carry on holding prominent positions in a class ingrained and pathetically obsessed, cap-doffing UK.

Most dishonestly too from this lot when inevitably the stark truth came to public light at the Truth and Reconciliation Commision in post apartheid South Africa, with the same repulsive and comprehensively complicit white western liars saying that the South African created virus stocks were previously destroyed in South Africa. Definitely not so! As they were clandestinely sent to a number of specific germ warfare and state owned laboratories across the west's participating countries in these apartheid anti-Black experiments like Britain for example, and where in the UK's case - and I am British with a voluntary military background too - they were house at the UK' primary state warfare laboratories at Porton Down in the country of Wiltshire, England.

Now these sick, psychopathic, sociopathic and racist hypocrites are disingenuously telling the world that Blacks are definitively more susceptible to Covid-19 than whites are. Of course Blacks are! Since Covid-19 is a strain of the apartheid South Africa virus and very much a man-made one. But these egregiously lying, totalitarian mindset and compulsively financially obsessed aren't going to tell you that. And look at the trillions of US dollars that the world's richest have made for themselves since the onset of this convenient pandemic.

Please, don't just take my word for any ofthis, simply do your own objective and detailed research. And whether you choose to take the vaccine or not isn't my decision to make - nor would I be so presumptuous to ever assume that it was - but is entirely your own! All I will, and specifically to fellow Blacks, is this; think hard and act carefully! As it is, after all, your own life!

Deluke Muwanigwa 08 December 2020

God is going to eat racists for supper. Soon and very soon. There is another clandestine program to sterile black people and hispanics so that Caucasians can have a large population. A poem is coming and pleases dont hate the messenger. You forgot the Special Virus Program and Boyd Graves Lawa suit against the US.

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