In a whirlwind she came; racing throughout the Gulf Coast;
leving much devastation in her path.
When she embraced the land, no one could understand
how God could let the cities feel such wrath.
We have to remember that God is mercy and truth
and the truth is Katrina means 'to cleanse.'
Sometimes to purify, you must first destroy;
then, compassionate hearts can be employed.
Out of the rubble and out of the pain;
cities and people can rise again.
Someday, the evidence will be hard to miss.
Love emerged from the wrath of Katrina's kiss.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Katrina's cleansing was like being givien a bath with a fireman's hose. Truly our God moves in mysterious ways and we will find out, in His time, the purpose for all these. nicely written