Killing The Ravens - Chapter 6 The Mark Of The Soldier Poem by Ace Of Black Hearts

Killing The Ravens - Chapter 6 The Mark Of The Soldier

Those soldiers, those god like figures in these times of war and tyranny. What if I told you of what they truly represent, wasn't at all what you think. The courage of the ignorant. Just following orders. I hear that excuse again and again. Give me a chain of command, and I'll tell you what is wrong with it. How it could be undone from within.

Some say that is not possible, the influence at the top is to powerful. With words of law and cruelty handed down those who disobey. How can you change it if designed in such way. Simply put when the sheep awaken from there slumber hell will reign on a very select few. That is the price of demanding complete obedience without question, without morality. Murder in the act of good faith and trust, is nothing more then the successful politics organized crime.

When an entire population starts to question it, it will rip at the seams. It is not question of fact, but of time. And at the present, the hate, the anger, the rage, has already reached unfathomable portions of this society. It is seen among the battlefield every day, we are just to blind too see it. Or maybe it is we don't want to.

An example of is a general who was willing to die, knowing he would not catch, but free me. In fact he the reason I'm still breathing. He made the ultimate sacrifice. A choice of conscience. A choice of prestige. One with honor when being surrounded slimy slippery poisonous snakes. It could not be done with sparing him, he knew this. He was given alternatives, but he felt the mission to important to abandon it at the last moment.

His name was Douglas. He was long time childhood friend, and I never wanted it come to this. He moved through the ranks of the military forces rather quickly with my help. The art of an elaborate illusion. Winning the heart and minds of pure evil.

See the ravens, distribute a device called the mark among there soldiers. Upon killing someone, it instantly imbued the object with there dying soul. Giving you some very powerful magic, and for each one you aquired the powerful you became. There was a catch of course upon the object being destroyed the user would die and its dying forever to held prison in the ravens tower. Also it would kill all who surrounded the soldier by the a distance 1 foot per soul. So it was also very dangerous to try destroying those devices. As such they carried with them at all times.

This will be the story of one of soldiers the green wizard collaborated with. He was a friend who felt the system failed him. And he felt he must do what what ever he could to change it. Including leading the generals to there deaths at the cost of his life.
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