Last Year At School Poem by Trisha Sengupta

Last Year At School

Rating: 3.8

Last year at school- - sounds so disheartening
It makes me feel extremely gloomy..
I stare at my friends with my filled up eyes, and
I could feel they are also
Hiding their tears behind their extra loud laughter.

But nothing could hold the immense flow of tears in our heart;
everyone is thinking of just one thing, but trying to divert their thoughts- -
But the thought that keeps on haunting us is that we are finally to depart.

Gajanan Mishra 08 August 2013

diverting thoughts, good write, thanks. I invite you to read my poems and comment.

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Marcus Mckinley 27 August 2013

to every end is a new beginning and some friends you will see some you will never see again such is life. just remember the good times.

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Aswath Raman 14 August 2013

I never felt sad. I felt numb. I'm sure you had a lot of grief. Anyway a nice write

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Jayachandran Chakrapany 13 August 2013

this poem makes me a flash back journey to the nostalgic days of school life.nice and touching.jk

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Dave Walker 08 August 2013

A great poem, like it.

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Khairul Ahsan 08 August 2013

The love for the school and the school mates, and the worries of having to leave it/them, have been very nicely expressed here.

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