Let Love Act Poem by Ayatullah Nurjati

Let Love Act

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I was thrown back into an atmosphere where I was still chatting in a tender love with her,20 years I was intimate with her, even though I realized that our age was still ripe, the fruit of mangoes in my boarding house garden in Yogya.
I was still in love with her because love never looks at age, social status, religion, ethnicity. And don't care about those who sneer at me with monkey love words. Because I am a human, not a monkey, how can a monkey know love mankind? Love only exists in humans.
Utari is a woman and I am a man, men and women must love and be loved, it is human if there are two human beings who are in love. Love is a sacred part of human life and it is an essential gift from God.
Indeed, Utari was not the incarnation of an angel who has no sin, she is an ordinary human, but Utari is the incarnation of a savior, she is the one who saved me from the brink of destruction, Utari is an adult human who taught me how to behave and live life. My lost life has been planted with the flower of a certain life after the loss of my beloved Sophie. She is a motivator for me.
She once suggested that I want to do theater at my school, so that I would forget Sophie's death.
Once during college holidays I visited her her house, her mother immediately asked me not to have any more contact with her, she said that Utari was too young to know love, Utari had to be highly educated, and Utari didn't suit me because of degrees and stratification. Ratri and Raden Ayu or Raden are just helpers from mental confusion who want to seek social status. Honestly, I'm not a noble family, from my name alone I don't use the Raden appendage even though my name is kejawen, while he has the Raden Ayu appendage in front of her name.

© Ayatullah Nurjati. PoemHunter.com

Let Love Act
Love never looks at social stratification
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