Let Us Lovingly Kiss Poem by Ravi Kopra

Let Us Lovingly Kiss

As if each kiss
Were a kiss of farewell,
Let us lovingly kiss, my Chloe.

-Fernando Pessoa


It may be my last walk with you
Let us hold hands
Walk along the shore
See the gulls, see the sun
Setting behind the orange clouds.

It may be my last dinner with you
Let us pour the bubbly champagne
Into the empty goblets
And let us have our fill.

It maybe my last night with you
Let us get into the jacuzzi
Let us get our showers
Lit the scented candles
And dive into the bed together.

Tomorrow will always come
For me, for you, who knows
And "if each kiss were a kiss
Of farewell" my dear sweet love
"Let us lovingly kiss."

Monday, February 5, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: love and life
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