(limerick) Intro To A Tom Swifty# 710 Poem by WES Vogler

(limerick) Intro To A Tom Swifty# 710

Rating: 5.0

(limerick) Intro To A Tom Swifty# 710

We've a hammock from one tree to t'other
At the head end, it snapped!My poor mother.
She let out a yelp
We all ran to help
'Twas impossible laughter to smother...

said Tom... OBLIQUELY

(limerick) Intro To A Tom Swifty# 710
Friday, July 6, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: people
Kim Barney 02 September 2018

She looks quite young to be your mother. Looks really good, in fact for 108 years old or so.

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wes vogler 02 September 2018

you mathematicians are something else

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Kelly Kurt 06 July 2018

Ha! Yes, inappropriate laughter is a response to such things. Probably to avoid the shock and worry.

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wes vogler 07 July 2018

or maybe it was just funny in the style of the keystone cops

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Kumarmani Mahakul 06 July 2018

Impossible laughter has smoothed mind with unlimited fum after reading this brilliant Limerick...10

1 0 Reply
wes vogler 06 July 2018

I knew who commented without the name. You have a nice style. Stay with me akways

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WES Vogler

WES Vogler

Vancouver BC Canada
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