Love And Deception Poem by Dr Anthony Onoja

Love And Deception

Full of the wooden hate that burns the sprouts off her angered soul
Fashion becomes the aged portrait as she look only through the broken mirror
She remember the fable lines the days the sky met the earth in lust and love
Sink so deep in the blue Nile she wrapped around his memories like a volcano she erupted flames of passion
Could he have been bewitched by time that my love is a filthy rag?
Counting the raindrops as they flow above the fallen mountains of her side view
Life is a tinkle tale full of ups and downs like falling Kingdom
Lets him remember the days we had in wonderland with the moon and stars interlocked in one ball
Living like the day men were born with a rib and a soul to sin and love like Medusa the slayer queen
Like the song of Lullaby remember the scorn of love played in trance
Nature is now the only judge that will call all miscreant to face his wrath
Never to be bereaved with sooty words all men came from Mars and Moon
Atlas his words are charmy he sang the song of sun and whisper
Above the column, he came as a man full of dainty courage to love
Then the days were earned with honesty, truth and deception.

Love And Deception
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