Lying News Poem by Randy McClave

Lying News

Every time that I hear him cry, 'Fake News"
Lies and hate also from his mouth spews,
I now think of the Devil screaming, "That Lying Bible"
And we only accuse him of speaking Libel.

The news they all lie if they speak badly of him
He says that at his every whim,
And whenever he calls the real truth a lie
I think of the people who for truth that did die.

The Devil he too wants us to believe all of his lies
He too doesn't care who suffers or dies,
I was taught of honesty in Church in my youth
Now he and the Devil want us to believe their lies as the truth.

Unless they are speaking goodness of them the news is fake
They don't care who they harm or who they forsake,
All that they soulfully care about is the big win
They don't care about their greed, or corruption, or sin.

Every time that I hear him calling all media liars
I always think of them both with their greed and their priors,
The Devil we all know is already hell-bound
Now a lying, sarcastic, mocking, evil disciple he has found.

When I hear him cry and scream, "Fake News"
I think now mostly of the innocent and the Jews,
The Devil had convinced them that Christ had lied
Then on the cross Jesus was crucified.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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