Ma & Pa & Us Poem by Dónall Dempsey

Ma & Pa & Us

Rating: 5.0

Her voice
ran out

to meet us
before she did

her singing
gathering us up

held invisibly
in each note

as if already
we were a bunch

of flowers
in her hand

before she pulled us close
to her cuddly warmness

all breasts
& softness

my mother’s love
enclosing us

as if she were
prepared to die for us.

She, the mother hen
and we her precious chicks.

My Dad’s bicycle bell
& laughter

conjuring him up
before he turned the corner

and presented himself
to us

as if he were
the most wonderful present

we could ever desire

His love all full of fun
and songs and laughter.

Us kids
stood enraptured

captivated by
these beings

and their out of this world

Frankie Stones 24 August 2007

It's Beautiful.: '(almost made me cry.

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Gina Pisapia 24 July 2007

Not sure whether I like the Ma/Pa thingy but the poem is yet another out of this world love poem and you just conjure their presence out of the air. As always I stand enrapatured...captivated by your thoughts and feelings and how you manifest them into words. Gina XXX

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Dónall Dempsey

Dónall Dempsey

Curragh Camp, Co. Kildare, Eire.
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