' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Blameless Poem by Dónall Dempsey

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Blameless

Rating: 2.7

I blame myself
(yes me...me entirely)

for falling
in love

with you
(what else could I do?)

It wasn't as if
I had a choice

I just went and fell
blatantly in love with you

a second thought

for myself.

Could have got
badly mauled

or given everything
(and got nothing at all)

but then
the blame

entirely on you

for falling in love with
...me too!

Bharati Nayak 06 September 2023

What a beauty is this poem! When one falls in love and trapped in its sweetness and heartache, he/she feels there is no way he can come out of it! He blames himself for it! (Part-1)

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Bharati Nayak 06 September 2023

(Part-2) -Is he only to blame himself for it? Is his lover blameless? No, blame turns on her as she has made the mistake of falling in love!

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Malcolm Conway 06 April 2024

I like this poem about being lucky in love! There are never any guarantees and this is a sweet reminder that there's no reward without a risk.

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Faith Brigham 25 February 2024

I don't understand why this poem has such a low rating as it a wonderful love poem that is both heartfelt and beautifully penned. Five stars from me because I love this poem.

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Sonya Davis 05 January 2024

Very sweet poem.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 09 December 2023

After deepest thoughts of thinking, BOTH are to be blamed for, NO ONE is blameless. Excellently rendered poem.5 *****

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Bharati Nayak 06 September 2023

Such a beautiful poem on bitter-sweet feelings of love!

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Dónall Dempsey

Dónall Dempsey

Curragh Camp, Co. Kildare, Eire.
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