Magic Square 8 X 8 Poem by Darwin Henry Beuning

Magic Square 8 X 8

Using Durer's 'Melencolia'
4 X 4 square as a guide
Following the pattern below

A. 16 3 2 13 C. 48 35 34 45
5 10 11 8 37 42 43 40
9 6 7 12 41 38 39 44
4 15 14 1 36 47 46 33

D. 64 51 50 61 B. 32 19 18 29
53 58 59 56 21 26 27 24
57 54 55 60 25 22 23 28
52 63 62 49 20 31 30 17

Then by swapping four vertical lines
Top to bottom
Bottom to top
The square is solved

16 51 50 13 48 19 18 45
5 58 59 8 37 26 27 40
9 54 55 12 41 22 23 44
4 63 62 1 36 31 30 33
64 3 2 61 32 35 34 29
53 10 11 56 21 42 43 24
57 6 7 60 25 38 39 28
52 15 14 49 20 47 46 17

Sunday, March 5, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: magic
6 March 2017, Nakhon Sawan, Thailand. Each of the 18 lines,8 horizontal,8 vertical, and 2 diagonals total to 260. Working with magic squares is like writing poetry, there is a flow and rhythm to them.
Darwin Henry Beuning 06 March 2017

Kim, Looking forward to showing you more about Magic Squares when I get back on the 29th. In the pattern, the A.4 X4 = 34, the B.4 X 4 = 98, the C.4 X 4 = 162 and the D.4 X 4 = 226. A & D add up to 260, and C and B add up to 260. So the Vertical lines are all correct, just have to fix the horizontal lines and the diagonal lines. Using the Bowtie pattern, I have made a 10 X 10,12 X 12,14 X 14 and a 16 X 16 magic square. It could go on forever! ! .

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Kim Barney 06 March 2017

Very interesting, but I'm afraid I don't quite understand it. I mean, I understand what a magic square is, and how all the lines must total the same number, but I don't get how you go about solving it so easily as you seem to have done. You will have to explain it to me when you get back from Thailand.

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Casual Observer 24 March 2022

And of course it doesn't hep the PH won't let you line the numbers up the same way you can on your word processor...

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