Magical Intervention Poem by Parijat Banerjee

Magical Intervention

Rating: 4.5


You had lost all your hope.
Your wings had fallen heavy and unbearable anymore!
The aura of the garden was about to fade in the infinity locked therein!
While the Devil unchained itself and gripped your lungs;
To let unwind it's malicious black-hat breathing!

And then the magic blinked...
With all its charm and graceful note!
My vase spilled a bit of elixir on the purest white marble floor!
The intricacies of the artifacts arose from the oblivion -
To let the darkest hour pass beneath the prescribed antidote....

Mate, you are a free soul now..
Head held high and the broad smile dressing your bruises throughout!
I know you will shine even without my magical azure illusion..
And dump the Devil beyond the reach of the Paradise' hideout!
@Parijat ©

Magical Intervention
Thursday, April 12, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: life,magic,paradise,positiveness
Dr Dillip K Swain 18 October 2022

you are a free soul now.. Head held high.........creaditable poetic expression dear poet. A wonderful piece....Top score! !

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Jazib Kamalvi 13 April 2018

A refined poetic imagination, Parijat. You may like to read my poem, Love And Iust. Thank you.

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Robert Murray Smith 12 April 2018

I like the way you accept the myths of heaven and.

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