Mama I Am Confused About Babies! Poem by Aisha Masha

Mama I Am Confused About Babies!

Rating: 3.5

Mama! Where do children come from?
Mama you said I came from your stomach
Mama it is my fifth birthday and I want to know
Daddy told me that in the mall you buy baby
Doctor says that in hospital you make the baby
Preacher says that in heaven God makes the baby
Teacher says that sleeping with a boy makes the baby
Cousin says it is Santa's secret to make the baby!
Mama can I make a baby?
Mama I am confused about babies!

Mama! How do children get into stomach?
Mama you said I came from your stomach
Mama it is my fifth birthday and I want to know
Daddy says that only a big boy gets baby in
Doctor says that they operate to get baby in
Preacher says that God creates then puts baby in
Teacher says that boy pricks you to put the baby in
Cousin says Santa's secret puts the baby in
Mama can baby come into me?
Mama I am confused about babies!

Mama! How do children get out of stomach?
Mama you said I came from your stomach
Mama it is my fifth birthday and I want to know
Daddy says that they push stomach to get baby out
Doctor says that cut the stomach to get baby out
Preacher says that God miraculously gets baby out
Teacher says that need to breath gets baby out
Cousin says Santa's secret gets the baby out
Mama can baby come out of me?
Mama I am confused about babies!

Thursday, December 15, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: baby,confusion
Faith Maina 06 January 2017

This poem brings out an old question about where children come from. Let us learn to give the correct answers.

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Gillian M Hart 12 July 2019

I answered the questions when my child asked them.

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Juliki Katana 16 December 2016

Haha ha! Poet you have taught me to practice what I should tell my daughter before she asks! ! Thanks.

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Rose Kanana 15 December 2016

Masha, when mama gives an answers please share with me, i need them too....blashing

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