Master Of Basicness Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

Master Of Basicness

Just because they have shown him love and respect...
And treat him as if he already leads.
This does not mean he is lacking in experience.
What it does show,
Are those with claims of having it,
Have a slight problem convincing others around the world...
They have a handle on interpretations.
And a progression of incompetence...
Which has long jumped off,
A fence.
With a however to add.
Then again...
They have had many years providing proof,
They are right.
But misunderstood!

They have had many years providing proof,
They are right.
But misunderstood!

They have had many years providing proof,
They are right.
But misunderstood!

And millions of people have been misunderstanding them.
With a clouded comprehension.
There are those who have no idea what it takes to dress for dinner.
And then...
There are those who who not only know how to select a chef...
But also know how to select a menu,
With an overview of how to meet and greet 'all' the arriving guests!

And he upsets the apple cart,
By disregarding an etiquette that upsets.
He is the 'Master of Basicness'.
And does this better than the rest!
Leaving those behind who oppose...
His napkins aren't folded.
And they do that the best!

He wants to end a disasterous past...
With a new beginning!
They with their experience...
Wish to begin reminiscing disasters from the past.
As reminders to keep endings from ever ending.
With an experienced fresh outlook,
They have been proposing...
That can not seem with them,
To ever quite begin!

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