Materialized Tunnel Vision Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

Materialized Tunnel Vision

Identified are the people.
Evaluating what they have.
As a means of their self worth.
With a doing to do this often.
Looking from the ground up.
To label a materialized tunnel vision.
And yet,
There are others who value their lives to exist.
Here on Earth.
As a gift to appreciate the blessings they get.
Look up, around then down to realize,
A self importance to evaluate.
To them in comparison to what God creates.
Are just particles of dust.
If collected together.
From their point of view,
Has little or no real significance.
And what they possess,
Applies to what the Earth supplies.
And the limits to all we are given,
Have been set.
No one owns to claim they possess.

To the ones with materialized tunnel vision.
Impressions to make gives them reason to deny.
Such activities beyond what they can identify,
Is meaningless.
Worthless without purpose.
With a wasting of time in their minds to find.
Although those enlightened.
To connect themselves to everything found around.
Look down to the ground to know it as Earth.
And comprehend how it is kept nourished.
When all upon it,
Things to own and claimed possessed.
Returns to Earth to become the dirt.
Or mud when the rain from the sky on Earth pours.

Monday, July 16, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: reality
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