In the beginning there was only silence.
From nothingness began to appear the existence.
And from the form, the mortal was designed.
A form-spirit, invented by ideas.
The empty space started filling with subsistence.
Light gave its colors and recognized it.
A real breathing-being was created.
A new form of life was taking shape.
Something was being put instead of nothing.
And the vast space welcomed this new matter.
An essence conceived by the divine substance.
That inhaled and exhaled in the corridors of the cosmos.
Which slowly began to articulate words.
'Man' was descended into this world.
Well Besa, on the ground of literature, you have your poetic liscence to play with words and language to suit your context. But on the ground of pure philosophy, there will be a lot to defend: for instance where you said, 'from nothingness began to appear existence', philosophers hold that nothing comes from nothing. It's splendid. A new version man's come to being. I love it.
I have read a few of your poems. The first sentence of this poem definitely shows your imaginary skill, so I try to visualize the silent world. Good. Thank you for the invitation..What is your opinion on my poem 'teen aged human'?
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
What a grand piece. I can envision the enfolding as you speak. Well crafted.