I swear,
Tonight I saw tears running down from the Moon.
You might think I am crazy,
Or that I daydream hazy in the middle of the night.
No Sir!
I swear, I caught a glimpse of those silver drops
Go down the scorched cheeks of that sleeping beauty.
I felt her pain grow big like a threatening black hole.
I saw her sadness spread all over the Milky Way.
For she can't be close to the one she longs for.
The Moon I mean.
She is the secret lover of the Sun.
Didn't you know?
Shush, don't pry.
You'll make the Earth jealous.
Cute and good. I like. Read mine - Frost Flowers - I think you may be the only one who can guess what I'm talking about. Adeline
a highly symbolical poem, , it opens up diverse avenues of interpretation and meanings, and this is the hallmark of good poetry, , the title of teh poem is beautifully striking, , thanx
Oh secret lover your glimpse of silver drops filled the empty space in heaven and earth
probably my favorite that I've read by you! Hope to see others with things of nature.
such a sweet poem and soo cute! Such an intresting idea that moon and sun are lovers and moon is sad because it cant be near ro the sun... And the earth is jealous...
Nice work! I love it and would like to share my similar work.(also another one A LOVE SONG BY THE STAR) Eclipse Their hug is too quick for the moon to bind Her shy love to the sun’s glowing mind Just because they both always find People down there are watching behind.
To lovers divided by the span of space. Beautiful piece love the texture that flows through this
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Well written and quite interesting poem.