Matter The Essence Of Consciousness Poem by Alfredo Jacques

Matter The Essence Of Consciousness

Rating: 4.9

Over excessive society,
Underdeveloped minds.
Grouped groups, linked
Produced in modes, suffocating
In their consciousness. Fear
Of the self righteous, The many
Determine the one.
Social disorder
By a thought, felt by all.
I have seen chivalry beaten and left
For dead, "sleepwalkers" corrupting
Youths, scared to look back, a time of
Deadbeat parents and lost
Souls. I know more than I care to admit.
This world that beckons,

Greenwolfe 1962 15 May 2008

There is a great joke or philosophical cleverness which may be made of the closing line, but this warrants no such mischief. You have stated our time concisely and with economy. Those who bury time capsules, need only bury this. GW62

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Tailor Bell 24 August 2007

difficult theme, well-handled, steeped in erudite flavor but concise and not overly generalized. great read, Alfredo. I've spun the political philosophy pieces but most lie in piles of unfinished bits, so kudos for your work. -Tailor

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Con Nie 23 May 2007

Strong feelings in your poem. A look at the nightly news can have one feeling this way that is for sure. But I am sure things can change for the positive in time. Just have to keep optimistic and keep being peaceful in our corners of the world. Sincerely, Connie Webb

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David Harris 22 May 2007

Alfredo, the imagery is pristine. The opening lines just captured me completely. Over excessive society, Underdeveloped minds. Beautiful write my friend. Top Marks from me. Thanks for guiding me to it. David

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