Michael Poem by Paula Glynn


I miss you Michael
I always will
Like a checkout girl serving at the tills
You are worth more to me
Than any millions of pounds
Than any lottery win
Because I could trust you.

You were no braggart
You were never threatening
You were never nasty
You were always there for me
You always listened to me
You always sat with me
And never moved to another table.

If I could have you back to this life
I would do if I were able
If I could hear your voice again
If I could be your close friend again
If I could laugh with you again
If I could dance with you again
So many wishes and dreams.

I am so lonely here
I am full of eternal fear
My life-path not yet clear
And my life empty and alone
There only being me at home
There being no sunshine after the rain
My life making me empty and afraid.

I have lost all my hope
I have lost my motivation
I have lost my passions
I have lost my happiness
I have lost my sight
I have lost my hearing.

I am stuck in a life devoid of love
I am stuck in a life empty of passion
I am stuck in a life full of tears
I am stuck in a life full of fears
I am stuck here in an invisible hell
I am stuck here with no one to tell.

Where do I go without you?
My dearest friend, Michael
You were my guiding light
You were my guiding star
Now I wonder if I'll ever go far
My forever guide
Forever your light is at my side.

Paula Glynn

Paula Glynn

Essex, Britain
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