Millennials Have It Tougher Poem by Daya Nandan

Millennials Have It Tougher

Millennials have it harder than the last generation,
For The economy is crashing rapidly within our nation,
We cannot get a blue collar job and expect to survive,
When the high cost of living is making it difficult to stay alive,

We cannot work a part time job and afford an education,
For the job market in our time is on unstable foundation,
We cannot afford houses since the prices are now sky high,
We cannot easily afford the needs our parents could buy,

We fear marriage because we are not financially ready,
We can barely make ends meet with an income being so unsteady,
Employers are hiring cheap foreign labour in our place,
Forcing us to work much harder to increase our pace,

We cannot afford children as we are already burdened with loans,
Education, house andcar loan making us work to or bones,
It is now hard to live the stable life our forefathers led,
It cost so much to live but ironically it is also pricey to be dead,

Even with a doctor's salary i find myself having a hard time,
Barely making ends meet with a life i can hardly call fine,
I am constantly saving money for the rainy days that will come,
For my generation fears what our economy will soon become.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: economy,life and death,poverty
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