Mirror Lies! Poem by guy lipmore

Mirror Lies!

Do politicians practice lying?
Some lie naturally without trying.
Some are good in any debate,
Pretending to play it ‘straight’.
Most need a little practice!
So people will not ‘notice.’
Them lying in action,
With the art of distraction.

For those who squirm in their chair,
Get flustered, pause and stare.
Do they stand in front of a mirror on the wall?
Perfect the art of lying and con them all.
Look themselves straight in the eye,
Convince their own image that ‘truth is a lie!
Practice the ‘art’ of lying until perfect,
Then try it out in public!
Do they get body language coaching?
To stop any signs of fidgeting?
Do they get an instruction book?
On how to act and how to look?
Would any instruction book show?
Maybe tips and advice below?

Keep the eyes focused,
So you are not ‘sussed’,
When questioned about policy,
Always answer indirectly,
Never give a reply direct,
More answers they will expect.
Always deflect the conversation,
Away from the actual question.
Talk in terms generally,
Interrupt the host frequently.
Keep them on the back foot,
Advantage should be took.
If you drop your guard,
With a slipped word.
Attack the opposition,
And their policy position.
This will get you out of a spot,
More often than not.
Side-step, deflect, back-track, all depends,
Just get through the interview until it ends!

Most M P’s who are our elected politicians,
Will act like illusionists or magicians?
Moreover, the truth they will mask or make it disappear.
Part truths only, full truth they will keep well clear.
However, the people see through the lies,
Despite all the ‘training’, they cannot disguise.


Obviously a cynical view of the all politicians, they promise the Earth
and get in power, they cannot or will not be honest. They get their feet under the table with their fat salary and truth gets distorted for the 'greater good' of the their party. Got no faith in any party!
Gajanan Mishra 20 July 2013

full truth-life the whole life. good write, thanks. I invite you to read my poems and comment.

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