Modern Day Circus (Inspired By Guy Debord) Poem by DM W

Modern Day Circus (Inspired By Guy Debord)

Rating: 5.0

Modern day circus of bright distractions:
Replete with clowns and crude celebrities
Witness the wondrous acrobatic feats
Of rhetoric and disinformation!
Witness strong men of action hero fame.
Witness jugglers replace social critics.

The Media run this multi coloured show.
Citizens are content to acquiesce.
Power is concealed. For we never get
To know the shadowy ringmaster's name.
There is still a way to break the cycle.
Simply wake up and smell the coffee!

Modern Day Circus (Inspired By Guy Debord)
Tuesday, August 6, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: satire
S.zaynab Kamoonpuri 07 August 2019

Wow an awesome allegorical sarcastic comparison to the circus, in sociopolitical assessment, rendered in marvellous poetic style. Kudos! Pls pleez do review/ comment my newest poem too titled, " The hajj pilgrimage "

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Dominic Windram 07 August 2019

Thanks so much S.Zaynab. I will definitely read your poem...I'm very interested in the hajj's a truly wonderful events..long may it remain and be cherished!

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Michael Hopkins 06 August 2019

A witty poem. MSM, the miss-info and dis-info spreaders likened to the old manure spreaders farmers pulled behind their tractors before the age of the industrial farming of poison food. Well done Dominic. Now I must look up and see who Guy Debord be.

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Dominic Windram 06 August 2019

Thjanks Michael.I highly recommend Guy.Debord's seminal book ' The Society of the Spectacle.'

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