Monday Morning Mishmash Poem by Norah Tunney

Monday Morning Mishmash

Rating: 5.0

I want to live a fierce life-
to suck the marrow
out of every hour,
to suck deep
into the bones of life,
most of the time I have no fear I trust the love
that brought me here,

my life is nothing more
than a dream,
I can no longer relate
to the rock-hard solidity
of nouns,

Life is not something out their Life is a flow- ING verb-
a bubble blowing in the breeze,
love falling to its knees,

and who am I?
I who grow old-young,
I who keep losing myself-
in the shimmering presence
of things.

Monday Morning Mishmash
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: happiness,life
Mj Lemon 05 April 2017

This is a terrific poem. There is a difference between flow and flowing, which does seem to underpin the poem. There can be a life, a force, an emotion asserting itself within each of us. Or, we may be part of a movement, a journey undertaken by many. Which of these allows one to live life to the fullest, to live a life fierce? You have me thinking. This work is a 10.

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Norah Tunney 05 April 2017

yes interesting Mj it seems to me that we are all interconnected part of a movement as you so succiently describe it. On the one hand there is a deep awareness that my true nature is Life itself. And then there is my life situation all the little things that make up a life. In the midst of that there is a sense of the shortness of this mortal life and there is a desire to live to the hilt not to waste a precious second. Sometimes life feels like a dream and I feel the shimmering illusory nature of it all.

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Edmund Strolis 02 April 2017

The rock hard solidity of nouns. I know this all too well. I will not call it a feeling because many things are feelings. No at some point through lessons learned what we feel becomes what we believe and how we see life becomes as natural as he lines upon our palms uniquely us now and forever. We are found most when lost in the presence of shimmering things......

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Norah Tunney 02 April 2017

We are found most when lost in the presence of shimmering things beautiful! ! ! I feel that through your poetry Edmund. I replied to your comment on free will and choice it disappeared before I was finished.Darn this site can be so frustrating, must get a computer. Anyway from what you said it seems you live from a very open curious space that's a big attraction to your poetry for me. I run a mile from heavy duty belief systems.thanks for your response life becomes as natural as the lines on your palms I'm enjoying sinking deep into these lines today.

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Susan Williams 01 April 2017

Life is a flow- ING verb- a bubble blowing in the breeze, love falling to its knees, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Yes! A lover of words, their textures, their sounds, their meanings, their flow. Dang it, girl, you've such HUGE talent! ! ! a bubble blowing in the breeze- -how you play with the falling to its knees- - - as meaningful an image as was ever created. And now I must admit that words fail me... I cannot describe the. shimmering presence of things. that abound in your poem, so ready to be lost in... Beautiful, gorgeous poem, dear Norah Tunney! Great bounding 10's for this!

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Norah Tunney 02 April 2017

Thank you Susan I suppose I'm always trying to capture the essence of existence that which is beyond words but the poet in me aches to express it. Your poems inspire me I love reading them.

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