Morning Breeze Poem by Unnikrishnan Sivasankara Menon

Morning Breeze

Rating: 5.0

Morning in the Marina
a breeze hugs me
with all the freshness
of all the seven seas;

I feel I am embraced
by the sweet fragrance
of the cultural heritage
a million years of hermitage

And the elegant harmony
of gaiety of the cosmic music
and the twilight of creations
from innumerable universes;

I am carried away by the breeze
as if immersed far and deep
in the sanguine blue serenity
of the sweet sublime poetry.

A smile might grace my face
if you, dear poets, can decipher.

The Marina: Marina Beach, or simply the Marina, is a natural urban beach in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, along the Bay of Bengal. The beach runs from near Fort St. George in the north to Foreshore Estate in the south, a distance of 6.0 km (3.7 miles) , making it the second longest urban beach in the world, after Cox's Bazar Beach. It is a prominent landmark in Chennai.
The Marina is a primarily sandy beach, with an average width of 300 m (980 ft) and the width at the widest stretch is 437 m (1,434 ft) . Bathing and swimming at the Marina are legally prohibited because of the dangers, as the undercurrent is very turbulent.

It is one of the most crowded beaches in the country and attracts about 30,000 visitors a day during weekdays and 50,000 visitors a day during the weekends and on holidays. Whenever I visit my daughter in Chennai, I am part of the morning crowd and the Marina makes my mornings.

A Morning Breeze is sublime poetry.
Alyx Thru Edge 06 July 2024

Still resonating in my mind: 'I am carried away by the breeze as if immersed far and deep in the sanguine blue serenity of the sweet sublime poetry'. The sanguine, derived from the Latin 'blood' contrasts beautifully with the marine blue.

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Thank you, Poet Alyx. The word ‘sanguine' was used deliberately by me to recreate the sense of contrasting hues with which the morning sea adorns itself. The beach thrills in the reflected glory. Thanks again

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A poem is as soothing and as genuine as the breeze in The Marina

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The embrace of the breeze carries the heritage of a million years' history and poetry…. It is sheer poetry, dear friends

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Richard Wlodarski 31 May 2023

PH has prevented the morning breeze from sending 5 heavenly stars to you for this blissful poem. I too smiled because your poem transported me to the serenity of such a dreamy place.

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I am grateful to you, Richard. Thank you

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Thank you Richard. I am so gratified that the poem evoked so much as a smile in you.

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Nabakishore Dash 30 May 2023

Well crafted piece describing the Marina beach and the treasure of beauties it encompasses.

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I love the Marina very dearly

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Thank you, dear poet. Your words make my day

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Unnikrishnan Sivasankara Menon

Unnikrishnan Sivasankara Menon

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