Music.(3) Poem by VAIDYANATHAN.T. RAM


Rating: 5.0

An music is a kind of art,
Involved in true heart.
An music is a kindhearted,
Which is never hurted,
The music creates unity of nation,
But born with tradition.
An music may be melodious,
But sometimes it makes tremendous,
An music of many kind,
But only true hearted could find.
An music never knew its age,
But born in every language.
An music has no religion,
But born in every region.
An heart may be a symbol of love,
But music is all the above.

Friday, September 25, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: art
Abdulrazak Aralimatti 25 September 2015

Verily, music creates love and affection, Music of rhythm, Music of humanity, Music of integrity,

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Kelly Kurt 26 September 2015

A poignant poem, Vaidyana. Thanks for sharing

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Anjandev Roy 20 November 2019

music is all the above.......wonderful. Thank u, dear poet. anjandev roy.

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Geetha Jayakumar 20 March 2017

Music an art First it plays in heart It has no boundaries like the sweet breeze it flows on. Beautiful write. Loved reading it.

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon 23 December 2015

Yes! Music has no barriers! It is beyond the realm of any kind of boundaries. For me too, music is pure love! Beautiful thoughts put into a poem. Well done! Full 10!

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Dr Antony Theodore 19 November 2015

oh this is a good meditation on music. thank you for these great thoughts on music. God bless you dear Poet. tony,

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Valsa George 02 October 2015

From the poem it is clear that the power of music is greatly felt and enjoyed by you! Thanks for sharing your love for music!

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Thanks a lot mam

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