My Christmas is frosty and white
The softwood smell in the air
And snowflakes dancing in flight
And garlands around the fir
Your Christmas is rainy and green
Pre-holiday rush in the street
Besotted with gasoline
It savours of bitter-sweet
I'd send you from mine some snow
And yours would be festive and clear
But our Christmases fall
On different days and years
(Ukhta, December 09 2014)
I can relate directly to your wintry Christmas atmosphere in the far north with frost and snow and the sweet aroma of pine needles. I love that aroma too. I smelled it last night at a make-shift display of trees for sale. The person you are addressing must live much further south because their landscape is definitely not as wintry. But I'm puzzled why the holiday falls on different days? even years? Is this person in another country? This poem embraces three of us because of a common holiday, that is, you the writer, me the reader and the person you are addressing.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Simple narration with picturesque expressions. Beautiful poem