My Day... Poem by Patricia Gale

My Day...

Hidden from sight the sun sleeps
Rain clouds moving with the wind
Thunder crashes loud and strong
No droplets yet so time to make a move

My heaven here on earth
Greenery all about, fruit of my labor singing to me
Blossoms and bee’s color coordinating the display
Saying good morning to the lady bug as I gently move her to another leave

A baby praying mantis jumps on my hand
Well hello to you lil’ fellow
Mr. Hopper jumps from my near by selection
Are you helping with bug control today?

My eyes shoot toward heaven
Thank you Lord for this day and all I am about to receive
I talk a little more to Him, we are together for a bit
I know you have more to listen to than me today, But I just wanted to thank you

I move on to the next row such a beautiful red
My look at you, I bet you weigh a pound!
What a delight I’ll add you to some bacon and lettuce
Then off to the next, deep emerald green smelling so sweet
Perhaps tomorrow I will stuff and bake you or salsa

Hot, spicy green careful with these bad boys
The could make a Nun run for the water hose
Yes save you for some chili next week
When the weather looks a lil’ bleak

Stripped green and over twenty pounds
Thumping gently on the top
Succulent and sweet for a hot day
A natural sugar high that will quench any thirst

My cheeks seems a bit sore
Perhaps from all this smiling You have given me today
The pride is ours Lord
Would you care to join me for dinner tonight?

I bow my head and give my thanks again
And I know I am blessed
For all the my days
And not one care could I have
For you see I gave them all to Him

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