My Girls Poem by AHO Speaks

My Girls

Of all the girls who freely gave
A portion of their love I have always saved.
They always gave and I did take
Memories and dreams that I would never forsake..

A tender age of fourteen and meeting in the dark
Kiss after kiss leaving their mark.
Never sure what was going on or who would win
Every Saturday at the movies with a great big grin.

So Mitzi in my mind you have a place
Fifty years later and I can still remember your face.
The girl from the minstrel show by the name of Clare
Tried to teach me dancing and all I could do was stare.

The first Helen with a love so immense and true
Filled me with a new meaning of Y.O.U.
Then Hatjie in Germany, both in a strange land
A relationship of mystery and ever so grand.

My second Helen with the striking dark hair
Close to making a commitment showing I did care.
Then Charlotte, two children and twenty one years
Hopefully for more happiness and seldom tears.

Joan who was a very special friend to me
She was inclusive with her life and sincereity..
Daphne, from the isle of pub and queen
A significant part of my life and earthly scene.

Finally Judy who will forever last
Always part of my future and never my past.
Others missing but none with intent
Each was a special gift in my life and they were sent.

To each of you who were part of my earthly time
Thank you for the moments when you were mine.
I can never replace and I would never try
You will be forever, my stars; in the brillant sky.

02-04-06 Aho Speaks

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