My Guardian Angels Take A Well-Earned Break Poem by Margaret Alice

My Guardian Angels Take A Well-Earned Break

Rating: 5.0

This morning I shot like an arrow
into the main road without stopping –
did not see the speeding white Pajero.
The kids were shocked, the driver looked
askance as I swerved into the oncoming
lane, I wasn’t fazed, felt contained in the

protection of the Lord – yet wondered
why I was so irresponsible as to charge
into a busy interchange; then you call,
wanting to know whether I saw the
accident. What accident? Right where
we enter the main road, exact spot

I nearly had a mishap – a taxi rolled,
you say… It seemed to me a preordained
calamity must occur there today; a trap
to catch the unwary driver by chance – it
nearly got the kids and me; by not stopping
I had been following subconscious cues

imperatively demanding a catastrophe.
I’m so glad that my father still prays for our
safety – I understand why he keeps warning
me when I’m behind the wheel – it is his
code of love, he fears my guardian angels may
take a well-earned break – they must be

completely exhausted keeping track of me…

Original Unknown Girl 16 August 2007

Love this little tale Margaret, indeed your angels must have a lot on their hands! Sure they love it really, lots of chasing about must keep their wings slender..... HG: -) xx

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Jason Judeschild 16 August 2007

Trust in Him wholeheartedly and nothing can harm you....

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Margaret Alice

Margaret Alice

Pretoria - South Africa
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