My Little Red Car (Fun Poem 30) Poem by David Harris

My Little Red Car (Fun Poem 30)

Rating: 5.0

I have a little red car,
that fits five quite comfortably,
but members of my family
when shopping think I drive a lorry.
The thing is that they think
it will take them as well,
would you believe.
I do not know where they got the notion
that if you push the back seat down
you can carry triple the amount.
In a minute if they keep going
I will be driving through the sunroof
as there will not be any room
for me in my little red car.

(7 July 2007)

Tsira Goge 01 June 2008

You beautifully write the St. Father but I ask with a smile: and what mercy have made these feet secretly? Sincerely Tsira

2 1 Reply
Risha : Ahmed 08 July 2007

Really a funny poem. What a fun. I can imagine you sitting on sunroof and driving the car. HAHAHA! ! !

2 1 Reply

DAVID>>>And FUN, indeed are each, and one of your Fun well as Frill Filling, and Fantastic Fanfare Full....This one brought to mind my very 1st car...1979 Buick Regal...candy-apple red...white ladau 1/2 roof, and ivory interior. Though it wasn't small at'all...your poem still made me think about it & smile... Thanks for finding my lost recall! lol! Great Penning, as always, good buddie! FjR

2 1 Reply

Sometimes we gals forget when we have shopping in the car that 'tis quite important to have a driver... :) cute D. t x

1 1 Reply
Andrew mark Wilkinson 07 July 2007

How does the the song go now, i like driving in my car it`s not quite a jaguar...10

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David Harris

David Harris

Bradfield, England
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