My Poems Are Like Clouds: Poem by Liza Sud

My Poems Are Like Clouds:

Rating: 4.3

My poems are like clouds:
they come and then pass away.
I taste them inside my mouth,
forget them the next day.

I'm sorry that I'm inconstant
and easily fall in love.
I'm not to blame for my words and
feel freedom when I write.

Стихи мои - как облака:
приходят - и уплывут,
Я их ощущу во рту,
чтоб завтра забыть опять.

Прости за непостоянство,
что я так влюбляюсь часто,
и не вини за слова -
я свободна в своих стихах.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: freedom
Matthew Holloway 14 September 2016

wonderful poem thanks for sharing

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Sara Militello 01 June 2016

I love this poem. It's so like you to write such an honest, genuine opinion of your technique; even that you forget them the next day. I would too, if I don't write them down. and many of my poems, I have not memorized totally even years after writing them. when I encounter them, I almost don't recognize that I am the one who wrote them. And you admit the same. I love you for that.

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Time and again they come like clouds then pass away, nicely put.

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