My Prayers Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

My Prayers

An insignificant speck in all of universe
Am I, a mere ion in oceans of matter,
And I make no difference to any anywhere;
I exist and vanish by mere chance,
And make no difference anywhere anyway;
I weigh no way in your sweet life
And you navigate along on your own merit;
It's nature's trick and a grand illusion
That you need me, and I guard you,
And you would wither without my cover;
Who guard wild flowers, who guard birds,
Whom need woods to grow and spread?

I fear, you walk alone in vast bad field,
But so is this world and all inhabiting it;
I fear, bad forces seize and harm your charms,
But how, insignificant as I, can rise to guard
While like twigs forces carry me on its whims?
Helpless I'm, and you are on your own tides,
But for my deep prayers to the Almighty
That, protect my Love, truly gem of all,
Most charming and most wonderful girl,
Ever you, Almighty, created in this world,
Who offends none, and you offend her not,
And keep her smiling and happiest forever.

I do daily pray, but doubts do persist,
Whether He exists and prayers Him reach,
Whether He responds and blesses my Love;
I never saw Almighty, nor heard Him promise,
But faith bestows ladder to pass over odd world
And navigate along the course of life;
Yet, I cry from deep that I be with you
To guide and lead and guard and cover,
So, no harms ever reach your lovely world;
I trust not others in protecting you,
Not even the Almighty in doing His fair
In guarding and saving your concerns.

Hollow I feel and vacant all round,
While you walk on own, without my cover;
Fear instills, affrightened I spend days
While incommunicado we suffer all along;
But helpless I'm, at this distance,
Unseen and unheard across impregnable wall,
Across which no light or air penetrate;
That is why I pray for the Almighty's Hand
To guard over, protect and bless you forever;
While all is lost, prayer alone shows,
While all lights fade, prayer alone gives light,
For, prayer is soul-strength focused on goal.

You are on that end and I'm in this end,
Prayer is the lone winnock open for us
Thro' the blinding wall fallen ‘tween us;
Days somehow goes, love fritters off
Thro' the intense prayers I do for you;
But, nothing does fill the huge void within
That slowly kills soul and swallows dying spirit;
Prayer is a lame tool to hold intense love,
For, nothing holds love like love on act itself;
Love is truly prayer, but prayer is not love itself,
Love is prayer aroused as floods and gale
In the Heavenly abode brought over the Earth.

Thursday, March 1, 2012
Topic(s) of this poem: life,love
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