Natural Justice Of Nature Is For Fulfilment In Life! Poem by Ramesh T A

Natural Justice Of Nature Is For Fulfilment In Life!

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Natural growth or formation of trees, plants, leaves, flowers on
Hills, valleys, plains along the river course to sea meeting sky at
The horizon is beauty of Nature no one can fail to appreciate getting
Peace of mind, when in a lost mood one approaches to get solace!

Nature is a lover of beauty that kindles love and awe to the seeker
Of bliss and peace getting wasted time in mundane things of the
World for long duty bound ever not knowing the way out to get
Relief or respite to breathe free air to realize self and power within!

Education and work make one a prisoner of life in the usual route
Believing to be safe to live life as a mechanical being till the end
Sans knowing the potential power within to know truth in all things
Around, their purpose and fulfilment in human life till one's end...!

Merely living life sans knowing Self, world, Nature and Universe is
Total waste of time in the world and also not realizing what life is..!
Knowledge, existence, bliss and absolute are all constitute one's
Life in this world and afterwards till one reaches ultimate reality....!

Enjoying beauty and achieving beauty in everything in life to attain
Perfection or completion or fulflment is what Nature teaches to all!
Discipline, order and perfection are the aspects of beauty all can
Say as natural Justice of Nature we have to follow to get fulfilment!

Natural Justice Of Nature Is For Fulfilment In Life!
Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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