Nefertari Poem by Captain Cur


Rating: 5.0

The winds are quiet, the sands are hushed
Desert skies molten, innocence touched,
Within the brilliance of these melting skies
Desert storms are raging in a young girl's eyes.

O! Youthful Queen how suddenly thy death,
Darkness persists blotting Sol's brilliant rise
Within thy sutured grave, an unkempt paradise
Forever preserving thy final breath.
Whose fire adopted by a new born star
Burning restless in its singular race,
Roiling above us, then flames spectacular,
Moving steadfast with a preordained pace
Circling round in majestic bliss
Burrowing through the thickness of thy crypt?

Time, born from the legions of Celestial space,
Its unforgiving hand shuttering this place,
And watched thou leap from mortal to divine
Then tightened its grip on all that was thine.
Could not the muses hear the suffering verse
While bearing thy body to the bowels of the earth.
A hushed voice, no longer sounding here
To which the passionate fruits were given
That grew within thy womb, abundantly shared,
Now a prisoner, seized by that heartless Probate
Whose judgement never to be forgiven.

If by induction thy marvels enter my mind
A thousand more wonders still to find,
Plunged to the depths of thy Egyptian blood
Passionate impulses in salient run
Raising pressure in my own veins
As impervious to love as I am to pain
In this nothing state the weakest poet sits,
Grotesque, saddled by his own spit,
Like poachers and gawkers digging with haste
Chiseling thy dignity, desecrating thy form,
Does death lessen the humiliation?

On thy soft lips each precious breath was bore
Each breath fairer than the one before,
And if then to man bestow a gilded kiss
What other woman could claim those tortured lips,
And in that heaven, that deep richness to mine
From the outward flesh to the bright marrow ore
No fairer mansion could one find.
Thy beauteous frame that was left behind
Can never be taken! Can never be marred,
Only raised and venerated in the chalice of time.

History bears witness to Egypt's birth,
Privileged when thy karma tread this earth
As the great and lesser planets combined
Rejoicing in sextiles and grand trines;
Thy ascendant rose, one of twelve,
Delegating each house the power of its sign,
In these houses the sun and planets dwell
Magnifying fortune when they rose and fell,
Within thy heart this music of the spheres
Teasing eyes, tempting lips, ravishing hair.
What first touched thy lips, sweetest morning dew,
As all men know, Woman, the greater miracle
Procreating life by the abstraction of love
Touted by myraid gods crowding heaven above.

Queen Nefertari of Egypt.
Kesav Venkat Easwaran 03 January 2021

Your poem celebrates a worthy civilization. A great piece. Words come to you in waves, you Master Oarsman poet.5 stars

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