Nefertari, A Pyramid Of Smiles Poem by Captain Cur

Nefertari, A Pyramid Of Smiles

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Waves were kissing the blushing rocks
And sheep were grazing with their flocks
African waters bright and clear
In northward flow gallantly steered.

Riding fast in unbridled rank
Galloping hard the river bank
White manes cresting ready to leap
Shallows splashing against their feet.

Adventurous ones took the lead
Daring sidesaddle on their steeds
Calling out to laggers behind
To keep the pace, to stay the line.

Wild ones broke and jumped the track
Tossing breakwaters off their back
That swept land with a whooshing sound
Roaring in unison smashing the ground.

In Tanzania the stretch began
Through Uganda and South Sudan
Past Khartoum and Aswan
Then took a short break in Cairo.

There they eased to a gentle flow
Basking beneath Ra's lazy glow,
From the shadows and secret glades
Magnificent colors tipped the shade;

A sycamore was in distress
Of how the cypress wore its dress,
The jacaranda was displeased
With smelly eucalyptus leaves,

The mimosa's throwing a fit
Stubbing their roots on mango pits,
The acacia most bitter
Of citrus fruit juicing the river.

Nefertari stood with a sneer
Undoing her cloak and braided hair
Then slipped in the Nile to bathe
In the shadow of the secret glade.

Rippling tides in majestic peace
Slowly encompassing their reach
Surrounding her with clinging touch
Painting her with their liquid brush.

On that canvas nakedly framed
Glamour of the Egyptian age
And all the glories found within
Unfettered by the desert wind.

Graceful curves that wound for miles
Bestowing pyramids of smiles
And the touch of her velvet hand
Which cooled the Arabian sand.

The hidden moon in cloudy high
With full, then half, then crescent eye
In no deference to the sun
Blocked him in a midday run.

Nefertari laughed overjoyed
At moon's darkening clever ploy,
The sun so powerful and bright
Eclipsed by one so small and slight.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021
Topic(s) of this poem: queen,blue nile,river,waves
Nefertari, Queen of ancient Egypt. - Nile River, Originates in Africa and flows through a number of other countries. - Tree species, Sycamore, Cypress, Jacaranda, Eucalyptus, Mimosa, Acacia and Mango. - Ra, Egyptian sun god also known as Re.
Kostas Lagos 05 January 2021

Captain Cur travels us once again to lands and seas of magic

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