Never At A Loss Poem by Jim Yerman

Never At A Loss

In August we left our house in Florida for 10 weeks in NC.
We didn't prepare for a hurricane…(call it smug complacency) .

Now we are safe and in our cabin just me and Deborah…(you may remember she's she's my spouse)
while a huge hurricane named Irma…is barreling toward our house.

Wherever you are…if you're staying put, on the road or safely in NC
nothing makes you more nervous…than that cone of uncertainty…

We do not know what will happen…for us this is a first…
In our hearts we are expecting the best…but we're ready for the worst.

All the times spent waiting and waiting as Irma slowly comes across
makes everyone anxious, edgy, scared…and definitely at a loss…

At a loss knowing all this anticipation is a kind of living hell…
At a loss to know what will happen to the places in which we dwell

At a loss knowing no weatherman or weather woman can totally assure
that our homes, our friends and families will be safe…will be secure…

So now we wait..we wait…we hope…we pray…we keep our fingers crossed
and hope that when Irma's through with us…we have not experienced a loss…

But knowing, if we have, there are people who love us…people who care
who will help us find our way out…of our heartbreak and despair.

Who will help us through our struggles…who will help us find a seed
A seed of hope when we need it most…in our time of grief and need…

And there is our silver lining…knowing no matter what misfortunes we come across…
If we're surrounded by people who love us…we are never at a loss

Sunday, September 10, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: family,friends,loss
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