Night Rain Poem by Jim Yerman

Night Rain

Rating: 5.0

I love to listen to the rain. I love to feel it, to smell it, to stand in it a while
I am not ashamed to say…I am a pluviophile.

I love to sit on the porch and watch and listen as the raindrops fall
sometimes they can come down loud…other times they make no sound at all.

I love watching the rain advance in the middle of the day
with the thunder announcing its visit and lightning showing the way.

But there is something about a night rain…the one I cannot see
that stirs my imagination and fuels my fantasy.

The night rain comes as a surprise…completely unexpected
It softly tiptoes in, surreptitiously…undetected.

At first I think it is the wind…for the wind and rain share a melody
and in the darkness of the night…neither can I see.

So I step out on the porch and by then it's very plain
It wasn't just the wind….as I'm greeted by the rain.

Then off in the distance I hear a sound I hadn't heard before
as the thunder muted by the night whispers instead of roars.

Then I see the lightning blink…across the sky I see it splash
and I smile thinking even God when he's taking pictures knows at night to use a flash.

And for a while I am happy to sit and listen to the night sky weep
but eventually I head to bed and let the rain serenade my sleep.

With the hope that in the morning memories of my dreams will still remain
for are there any better dreams than those inspired by the rain?

Night Rain
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: rain
Kumarmani Mahakul 15 August 2019

This is a great perception expressed where you declare that you have much eagerness to watch rain in advance. The morning memories of your dreams dazzle with excellent passion...10

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