No Man Worth His Sort... Poem by Mwenyeji Spikes

No Man Worth His Sort...

A man worth his sort, abandons his family not
He will live to prosper only if he falls for nothing
No man worth his sort abuses a woman
Never will he awaken a woman's love without the intention of loving her

No man worth his sort makes empty promises he could not keep
He Judges not another for their misfortune
Every man worth his sort Lives without purpose
Never shall he laughs at injustices

No man worth his sort Stirs war for nothing
Never will he grab another man possession or wife
No man worth his sort accuses their brother and kin falsely
Every man worth his sort works to harms nature

No man worth his sort spills out sworn secrets
He strives to defend rightfully what is theirs
The wise man defends the honor of this family
He strives to provide for his family determinedly everyday

Never abandoning his role He leads his family
He seeks to provide, protect and profess
In Wisdom he Looks into and prepares for the future
He Learns from the mistakes of his past

No man worth worth his sort doesn't seek knowledge and wisdom
Day to day he works diligently for his own and his people
No man worth his sort doesn't leave an inheritance for his children
He strives to create a better future for his family

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