No Matter What Gender It Is Today Poem by Julia Luber

No Matter What Gender It Is Today

I know that noxious unctuous personality regardless of what gender it is today.
I know that terrible person whether it has the wide hips it was born with or if these
hips were somehow whittled away to make more space for a beard. I know that
person's evil soul and unforgivable nature and noxious influence upon me no matter
what gender it pretends to be: I know how that awful person feels. I do not see its
gender. I feel its false accuse of rape, the kill thrill murder it committed, its cornering
of a friend into suicide. I know its evil soul, its malevolent intent, its unforgivable energy
and its timing and its gravitation around me to destroy me, near me to kill me. I know
what that nefarious cretin has done. I know that criminal. I know who that awful thing
is no matter what gender or what name it goes by, suddenly, today. I simply know.
I can feel the truth. I wish you could trick me. It would be so much easier thank knowing
what an unforgivable liar you are/ What an unforgivable person trying to hide from yourself.
And what a terrible person you are. By trying a new gender? You can not. Same energy.
Same soul. Same evil. Same personality. You can not hide the truth of your evil behind
a freshly minted beard, your new two inch drooping clit, or whatever it is you are getting
off on by taking those hormones like street drugs and spreading your evil everywhere.

Monday, August 5, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: hiding
how somebody who did something VERY TERRIBLE to me got a sex change but I immediately feel her noxious evil soul anyway and know exactly who it is in that new "gender" is she trying to hide from what a terrible person she is?
Jane Campion 05 August 2019

Does injecting estrogen or testosterone just give the appearance of the sexual opposite

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Jane Campion 05 August 2019

We take your word for it. Reversals are all the rage today. Yet, they cannot suffer from the same diseases that their opposite has got. For example, a female cannot get prostate cancer. A born male cannot get endometriosis.

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