Nothing Is Permanent Poem by Prabir Gayen

Nothing Is Permanent

Rating: 5.0

Nothing is permanent
Nothing is permanent,
Love joy sorrow and dream,
Let us move beyond all,
Relation and friendship,
All the fetters should go,
Change happens all around,
Every particle changes,
Mind memory and body,
Painful is the changing,
Nature is an exile,
It is never the Same,
Only heart can feel the pain,
Heart never likes the change.
In life change is graceful,
Death comes and takes the old,
Change is really blessing,
But how mind can accept?
Change is the death of mind,
Moment by moment dies,
Every moment is death,
Who can dance in death?
Living is really dying,
Every moment of love is death,
Like river life is new and fresh,
Freshness comes from wholenes,
By dying life revives.
Change is truth and realized,
Beyond change may be life,
From birth till death change Is,
Each moment it goes on.
Who can stop the circle?
Only death can make it stop,
And by witnessing change,
One can realise the essence.

Nothing Is Permanent
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: life and death
Rajnish Manga 12 February 2019

I have read this poem with interest. This is based on the universal truth that says 'Nothing Is Permanent (except change) . The concept has been given a nice multi-dimensional treatment. However, it will take sometime before the connotation of the following lines becomes perfectly or fairly clear to me. Thanks for sharing the poem. Every particle changes / Mind memory and body, Painful is the changing / Change is the death of mind, In life change is graceful / Change is really blessing

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Prabir Gayen 12 February 2019

You are really awesome dear poet Rajnish Mango...your comment is full of knowledge..The Best literary i have ever seen...Your comment is poetry is complete unto itself.

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Valentin Savin 12 February 2019

Italians say: “La donna è mobile Qual piuma al vento, Muta d’accento — e di pensiero”. Aria from Rigoletto. The heart of beauty is prone to change. There is nothing eternal on earth. Die, unfortunately not only old, but and young as well. Long live your rother and his wife.

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Prabir Gayen 12 February 2019

Thanks dear poet Valentin...many thanks

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 12 February 2019

The only thing constant is change. An insightful and wonderful poem with a meaningful message.

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Ayan Mondal 27 August 2020

Who can stop the circle? Only death can make it stop, And by witnessing change, One can realise the essence...! ! !

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Srijan Mondal 25 July 2020

Nature is an exile, It is never the Same, Only heart can feel the pain, Heart never likes the change...! !

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Srijan Mondal 25 July 2020

Nothing is permanent, Love joy sorrow and dream, Let us move beyond all, Relation and friendship, All the fetters should go, ..! !

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Ayan Mondal 30 June 2020

Only death can make it stop, And by witnessing change, One can realise the essence...//

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Srijita Mondal 02 June 2019

One of the greatest comment is enough my dear..You always speak the Truth....

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